About US


At Dr. Ronald E. McNair School of Digital Communication and Leadership (DREM-DCL) we pride ourselves on technology rich instruction and project based learning. We strive to teach the whole child focusing on academics and social emotional wellbeing as we prepare our scholars to be College and Career Ready.

School Set.png
Afterschool is held Monday -Thursday from 3:30 - 5:30 PM for students who are failing or have missed an excessive amount of days. 

Upcoming Events

Florence County School District 3 is seeking parent
input to evaluate the use of Title I parenting funds and
our parent engagement program. The Title I Parent
Survey will provide data necessary to assess the
parenting component of FCSD3's Title I School-wide
Improvement Plan. The results will allow consideration
of the district's parenting needs for the current school
year and guide the planning preparation for the
upcoming school year. The intent is to ensure all
students receive the opportunity to meet the state's
student performance standards.
This survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.
Please note that *questions will require a response.
Please submit your survey response before 5:00 p.m.
on Monday, October 28, 2024.
English Link: 

Spanish Link: 

Thanks for your commitment to parent and family
engagement within our schools and district.

El Distrito Escolar 3 del Condado de Florence está
solicitando la opinión de los padres para evaluar el uso
de los fondos para padres del Título I y nuestro
programa de participación de los padres. La Encuesta
de Padres de Título I proporcionará los datos necesarios
para evaluar el componente de crianza del Plan de
Mejoramiento Escolar de Título I del FCSD3. Los
resultados permitirán considerar las necesidades de los
padres del distrito para el año escolar actual y guiarán
la preparación de la planificación para el próximo año
escolar. La intención es garantizar que todos los
estudiantes reciban la oportunidad de cumplir con los
estándares de desempeño estudiantil del estado.
Esta encuesta debería tardar unos 15 minutos en
completarse. Tenga en cuenta que las *preguntas
requerirán una respuesta.
Envíe su respuesta a la encuesta antes de las
5:00 p. m. el lunes 28 de octubre de 2024.
Enlace en inglés:

Enlace en español:

Gracias por su compromiso con la participación de
los padres y las familias dentro de nuestras escuelas
y distrito.

Upcoming Events

Regular Board of Trustees Meeting 

The third Thursday of every month at 6:00pm



1: First Day for Student
21: Title 1 Parent Night 5:30pm
29: Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-7pm
29: Interim Reports Issued
30: Early Dismissal for Students



2: Labor Day District Closed
12: Title 1 Night "Grits for Grands" 5:30pm


9: Early Dismissal for Students
10-14: Intercession Days for Students
16: Report Cards Issued
22: Title 1 Night "Fall Festival" 5:30pm


3: Time Change Turn Clocks Back 1 Hour
5: Election Day
13: Title 1 Night "Friends and Finances" 5:30pm 
15: Interim Reports Issued 
25-29: Thanksgiving Break


11: Title 1 Night 5:30pm
19: Early Dismissal for Students
20- 3 Winter Break 


Quick Links

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